THE MEANING OF THE NAME BARRETT It must be remembered that it wasn’t until about 1500 that the custom of everyone having one surname only and keeping it was generally established. Edward McLysaght[1] believes that the Irish Barretts were of…
I regard myself first and foremost as a storyteller and collector. There are stories all around us. On every street you walk; in every building you pass; and within everyone you meet. My passion is to uncover those stories and share them.
Elizabeth Sharkey is my grandmother’s grandmother, through an all-female line. I like to imagine this line as a fine gold thread coming from my heart and connecting me from mother to mother, spanning the oceans and the centuries back to…
Just a short walk from Stop 15 down Smith Street to the corner of Peel Street and you come across the Grace Darling Hotel. Built in 1854 and constructed of bluestone, it is one of the few remaining 1850s goldrush…
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