Introduction: Living in Melbourne, the “most locked down city in the world” during the Covid 19 pandemic, I decided to write up the stories of my “pioneer” ancestors, that is the first person of each of my family tree branches…
My Family History
In 1853 the “Triton” arrived in New South Wales laden with German vinedressers. Among the passengers were our Dries family Lorchhausen on the Rhine. Over the last 30 years or so, many descendants gathered information about our ancestors which we…
18th Century Religion, Literature, and Culture Explorations of Cultural Intersections S An Account of Sarah Mallett An Account of S[arah] Mallitt. Arminian Magazine XI (1788): 91-93, 130-133, 185-188, 238-242. Editor’s Introduction: Sarah Mallett (sometimes spelled Mallitt or Mallet) Boyce was born in Norfolk in…
Armorial shields are arms that had ancient and tribal significance, as opposed to arms that were later assumed by an individual as a part of a non-hereditary British knighthood. The arms of the Barrett family are based on word play,…
THE MEANING OF THE NAME BARRETT It must be remembered that it wasn’t until about 1500 that the custom of everyone having one surname only and keeping it was generally established. Edward McLysaght[1] believes that the Irish Barretts were of…
Elizabeth Sharkey is my grandmother’s grandmother, through an all-female line. I like to imagine this line as a fine gold thread coming from my heart and connecting me from mother to mother, spanning the oceans and the centuries back to…